Friday, February 3, 2017

The complete list of ESSENTIAL BABY ITEMS

for my preggo ladies.... THE ONLY THINGS YOU WILL NEED FOR YOUR BABY!!

1. Stroller


Arms reach Cosleeper It was key during those early months when she was up every 2-3 hours. I could sleep next to her and I knew all her needs before she even cried.

She outgrew it at 4 months and we moved her into a Pack 'n Play by our bed.

3. Baby carrier (Ergo, bjorn, k'tan, moby wrap, hip carrier)- Love the Ergo (see previous post). Henry LIVED in this for the first year. 

Any baby tub will do! I don't have one that I feel strongly about. Sorry! This is the one we have. Works well for us!

You will be changing your newborn approx 10 times a day!! Save your back and instead of bending over all day long, have an area dedicated to changing- No need to get a fancy changing table. I just secured a changing pad to the top of my dresser with no slip cover, and put an organizer next to it stocked with diapers, wipes, lotions/creams ready to go! Also get several changing pad covers because you WILL have poo explosions!!!


Fisher price has a very popular series- the "My Little Snug-a-" series. We used the snugabunny bouncer and swing with both kids. 

7. DIAPERS- Believe it or not, we cloth diapered with Henry! I LOVED it. Super SIMPLE and never had any diaper rashes! I would cloth diaper again with Emilia if our apartment had Washer/Dryer.

8. DR BROWN BOTTLES- Henry never really took to bottles. Emilia is more receptive to it. Girl Loves to EAT!! These decrease the amount of air the babies swallow when they drink milk. More parts to clean, but it's not that bad. I'd rather clean more parts than have to burp a baby for like an hour. BURPING AN INFANT IS THE WORST. 

9. KIMONO STYLE ONESIES- It is a PAIN to put a baby's head through the opening of a tshirt/jumpsuit. One more thing you DON'T want to worry about is irritating the umbilical stump. Most onesies have buttons or zippers down the front & you have to pull it on over the baby's head. The  kimono onesie go on like a jacket, AND they don't irritate the umbilical stump.

Love the disney onesies. ALL of them have 2 sets of snaps at the bottom so they can grow with the baby. 

10. BREAST PUMP & ACCESSORIES- Keep a spare set at work in case you forget to bring them one day.


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